You spoke in the context of a piece of gear evaluation opposing FIXATED subjective attitude and tastes to objective measures OBSESSION supposed to be able to describe sound ...For example evaluating a dac or an amplifier...
I spoke in the context of acoustic and psycho-acoustic experiments when subjective impressions and preference can be MODIFIED by a learning process in a progressively controlled room or in an acoustic laboratory...
Then i dont oppose subjective impressions to electrical measures and acoustic measures i CORRELATED THEM...
This is science...
Amir is a hobbyist verifying specs sheets so useful it is , it is no reason to dismiss a subjective listening learning process and negate any value to it compared to electrical measures...
All biases are not equal...
A positive acquired acoustical biases is not a mere negative biases, and none of these two is reducible to a mere deception or illusion...
Reality is more complex than children alternatives between objectivist and subjectivists... Sorry...
And we need a theory of hearing to undertstand any set of measures meaning...
You see i can control my post... 😁😊
We are discussing whether your personal impressions represent REAL changes in the sound that is being reproduced or are purely the result of the inconsistent nature of the brain to reach the same conclusion based on poor memory, and any number of other inputs including mood, visual inputs, other sensory inputs, etc. that are involved in processing the current environment and reaching an answer. As the weightings of those inputs are so variable over time, and memory so inexact, it is near impossible to reach objective conclusions based on subjective impressions.