No love. Why?

It seems like everytime I mention I have Paradigm studio 20's v5 in my system someone is always trying to convince me to change them. Is there a problem with Paradigms I'm not aware of or Is this just the the friendly banter that exists.

Don't take this too serious just wondering.
Some do it to be mean and some because they prefer a different sound. People have said terrible things about my speakers. Bottom line is your own ears. If you are happy try not to let other opinions bother you. It's important to develop thick skin with this hobby!
I suspect that it's because they aren't exciting visually and they fall into a price point where they're below the radar for many . I had a pair of the Monitor 7 se mkii and I thought they were very good speakers. Ultimately they left the stable because they lacked that certain something that speakers I've kept had- I just wasn't excited about them. I wouldn't be bummed if they were my only speakers either. There was no lack of love, they just didn't have any romance or special aura about them. Enjoy them!
Paradigm has speakers from $300 - $6,000 . Smaller boutique companies start at 6k and go up . Deep pocketed audiophiles would never even consider them . As a previous owner of studio 100 v2 ,v3 studio 40 v2 studio 10 v5 . I know what you like about them . Some will give opinions here with no knowledge of the op's questions . Just need to ignore them as much as possible. Only reason i moved on is every couple of years i want a change . i have gone back to paradigm on more than one ocassion . When they come up on CL for a price i cannot refuse .
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I say, replace your Paradigms with Evolution Acoustics MMMicro Ones and let me know what people comment. There will ALWAYS be [at least] one person on forums who will not like them or any other speakers/components. So why care? Live your life the way you like and forget about what others have to say. Enjoy your music - that is what finally matters!!