No love. Why?

It seems like everytime I mention I have Paradigm studio 20's v5 in my system someone is always trying to convince me to change them. Is there a problem with Paradigms I'm not aware of or Is this just the the friendly banter that exists.

Don't take this too serious just wondering.
Years ago I bought a pair of Studio 40's(ver.2 I believe)that had received glowing reviews from all the usual suspects.When I hooked them up they were WAY to bright & would never calm down.I called Paradigm & spoke with the tech dept.& was told by them that ALL Paradigm speakers are voiced in an Anechoic Chamber & only performed up to their potential when used in rooms that were either acoustically treated(as most reviewers have)or heavily damped with furniture/carpet,etc...
Most buyers (& even dealers)of Paradigm's don't get this info & thus they never fully realize how good their speakers can sound.They are usually easy to drive & I have heard Studio 60's(V5)driven by 35wpc.Tube Integrated in a nicely treated room that sounded AWESOME!
I had some 20v3 and thought they were ok - right when I was selling them I tried them near field and then I thought there were really good...
I wouldn't give it a second thought. If you like them, thats all that matters. Everyone has an opinion, and that exactly what it is. I'm not crazy about the Oppo players, but everyone else seems to love them...
First off I want to thank everyone who responded. I laughed, I cried, but in the end I still have the studio 20's

In my home area we are limited to audio stores one of which just shut its door after 20 some years in the business. Sad. I actually bought the studio 20's on audiogon at a resonable price of $800 which included shipping. I heard them at the above mentioned store before they closed and liked what I heard but not at $1300 so when I saw these audiogon I purchesed them.

Everyone wants to sell home theater systems now so they don't carry alot of dedicated two channel components. In my immediate market area you can find Klipsch, Paradigm,B&W,and Polk. So you can see how hard it is to audition anything else.

I'm not looking for justification on why I own the speakers I do. It, at the time, was the best of the bunch. I know there are bigger and better speakers out there, which is good to know, I would welcome any constructive input on what else is out there, that by chance I can audition speakers. I find it difficult to purchase speakers without actually hearing them first. Maybe that will change.

I have another posting in pre/amp forum that specifies that If your "friend" had $5000 to spend on putting a two channel system together how would you direct him in his spending. This is also based on having the studio 20's already. Which I am more than happy to change if someone can give me compelling reasons to do so.
Nice comments Elizabeth. Wmbode. You need to get out and listen to some other options. Or trust some of the folks in these forums and make a decision.

I've been through a number of speakers like B&W, Totem, Devore, Verity, Zu, and came back to a better Verity speaker and am all set. It is the sound I like. There will always be something better. Cash or credit is something I always consider.