@kairosman That will be good comparison!
At ASR one is deemed incompetent engineer if measurements aren't to their criteria, assume engineer can't design or execute proper measuring component. Two, if listener enjoys this incompetent component they are deemed incompetent listener. Funny, but I posted over at ASR my enjoyment of both 005 and Okto Dac (good test results at ASR), still I was deemed incompetent listener. Once your painted with incompetent brush there can be no redemption, only those whose listening impressions line up exactly with measurement protocol deemed golden ears. Point being, don't deviate from whats expected, talk about forced compliance and bias!
But you know, the funniest thing about ASR is, while they deem some as incompetent listeners, they admit their own incompetency in stating and believing first, inherent human senses are unreliable, second, individual sensory perception is completely invalidated. So, don't trust your senses, and/or your individual perceptions of what those senses tell you. To tell you the truth, I don't even know what this means, how does one even listen without relying on one's own senses?
@car123 You probably missed it in this long thread, but I previously owned the SU6, I had the whole setup ready to go. I never felt motivated to even give it a single listen based on my great results with my particular usb setup. As a result I recently sold it without ever having listened to it.
So, back to ASR, measurements and 005 particulars. In spite of pedantic nature of ASR and sycophants I do lend some credibility to measurements and their correlation to some aspects of sound quality. As HermannS over on headfi forum 005 thread mentioned, the discreet I/U and output stage may be responsible for the saturation in output stage ASR measured. Add in the ESS chip "hump" and its quite possible some artifacts in sound could be exposed by these measurements. I alluded to this in prior post when I mentioned any +$10K dac I'd consider for purchase would be expected to have greater refinement than 005. While the 005 has been a very nice dac over the two years plus of my ownership and constant upgrades, I'm now coming to the end of those upgrades, subsequent burn in and long term analysis. I do hear what is a likely artifact of some of these distortion figures. My focus is beginning to be drawn to a certain stridency in massed violins, not to the point of glare, in fact much less of this than from previous dacs, and certainly recording dependent. but still it is there. Keep in mind, I'm judging this in relation to live non-amplified instruments, and various vinyl setups I've owned over the years, and finally to my aural memory of multi $100k vinyl setups. So, a pretty high standard for natural timbre.
I've not been to audio shows in recent years, so I've not heard the latest and greatest digital, but based on members here and others all over the interwebs who own top flight vinyl AND digital setups, it is stated the best digital can now compete with or exceed vinyl in every parameter. The 005 not here, nor should we expect that at $3k. So, my bottom line is I'll give the measurement crowd some due, I believe what I'm hearing correlates to some of these distortion figures. Doesn't mean I've changed my overall perspective of the dac one iota. This could be an end game dac for many, all depends on how high a mountain one wants to climb. In the meantime I'll continue to enjoy this dac without reservation, even knowing I have higher mountains to climb. This will be one of those pieces I remember fondly when it comes time to sell.