Yep much to do about nothing. Fear brains.


What I find sad and pathetic are people that are so married to their politics that they dismiss the very evident reality that right now infants in this country are at risk of starvation, malnutrition, and death because of the shortage.  These same individuals had no issue casting aspersions at the previous administration ad nauseum for grievances that were far-less tangible.This situation is disgraceful regardless of what type of administration is in charge.    

Isn't it amazing just how convenient ones' memory is? It was Rump who erected tariffs and sanctions against Canada for being our enemy which resulted in none of their baby formula being exported to us.

That, and 192 Republicans who cried and wailed about lack of baby formula just voted against the FDA Baby Formula Act.

Get a brain.

All the best,


The federal government becomes responsible for baby formula when it directly gets involved in the purchasing, manufacturing, and import-limiting of the product. 

You can't take a significant amount of control and oversight over a product and then when you help break down the availability of it, back-away. That's not leadership or governance; that's cowardice.

The FDA dropped the ball on their investigation and subsequent closure of the Abbott factory. The factory has been closed for over three months because of government intervention and incompetence. Now after the public outcry they've come to an agreement? What happened over the last 12 weeks?

The FDA also has expressly prohibited importing formula from other countries, again until the recent public outcry. 

Also, please get educated on the severity of the situation. For many children there aren't any alternatives that don't impose serious risks. Do you work in healthcare? I do. People are bringing infants into the ER out of desperation. There have also been  instances, albeit rare, of children needing surgical intervention (g-tubes) to acquire nutrition because there formula is unavailable. 

This issue shouldn't be made benign to save the face of any administration; D or R. 



Please save the sermon, I recognize its a serious problem. I thought this thread was about made in Russia audio tubes. Then.... baby formula gets tossed in and then Sri Lanka. As a parent, its their responsibility to identify alternatives until the supply chain gets worked out. 


You are so disingenuous and your response completely proves my point. You immediately made it democrat versus republican. Hysterical! 

Trump isn't in office anymore; get over it. He left 17 months ago. The current president and his administration dropped the ball on this. 

Also, the FDA Baby Formula Act? 28 million dollars to the same agency that helped cause the problem? Sounds like a great idea.     

Oh, the poor baby formula manufacture plant. How about a realistic timeline to go by? The power these companies have rival that of any oversight group and even the government. Reminds me of the meat packing plants that made workers work while getting Covid and dying and actually doing nothing to abate it, and having Rump and his Presidential signing statement forcing them to stay open?

One side may err on the side of public safety but the other side actively harms and kills people for a buck and for political points.

By the way, nothing remotely disingenuous about my post. Nice try.

All the best,