All due respect to you but in the event there is an apocalypse, that can only happen once.
Why bother for example with a meteor strike ? ... It will happen once...It is better to invest in arms to defend ourself against China or Russia... 😁😊 Why not bombing them first?
Why bother with anything?
Only matter our savings and shelter...And the number of bombs we own...
And Sri Lanka...I’m not sure how that topic entered the conversation.
This line says a lot about your information level in your news papers....
Why spend every day dwelling on the remote possibility of a cataclysmic event? In addition, what good is it to be right if the world is going to end then to whom would you get to boast that you were right?
Because our political awareness each one of us can help...
And if you have read my posts like a prediction asking to be right by the way , you distorted my post ...Only ostrich act like that...
You dont seems to give a dam about the world right now...I dont predict the worst , we have already entered into the worst for more than 2 years right now and we go worst by the day...
Accumulating savings is not an answer ...
Ok, at least listen to two excellent film/documentaries and ask yourself why these two old films are actual right now?
They are so entertaining you will loved them...And they are amazingly right in their description of the world...
For sure the Intelligence level of these artists were not low...
For the anecdote Kubrick I.Q. was estimated to be 200... Orson Welles is near him...And i dont think Fritz Lang lucidity about his era put him much much lower than Kubrick... Artists can be very intelligent...
I always thought that people more intelligent than i am may teach me something...
You are certainly like me....