Yep much to do about nothing. Fear brains.


It seems some people dont know that babies died in Sri Lanka too...And dont understand why this is so right now...

It seems some people dont know that all that come from insane political agenda of Trudeau/Biden preparing that years ago...

It seems some are so well versed in insignificant political Democrat/republican facts but they dont give a dam about the rest of the world...Like Romans unconcious just before their demise that Roman politic became more and more meaningless by their own hands...

Is it not insane politic to create an enemy when there is none, and putting this created new enemy in the arm of another enemy but this time a more real one ?

Is this a democrat/republican question?

Trudeau is not a democrat nor a republican...But where Trudeau learned his politic and how and by who matter for us Canadians ...

For Biden he is the worst kind of bureaucrat... What is worst Commode emperor or Heliogabale? They were  puppets of their own madness to begin with ... We see it right now...

Empire died by their internal actions way before they died by  some external actions...


This is 2 minutes videos very instructive one...About Scott Ritter claiming after his own official investigation there is no arms of massive  destruction in Iraq and one of the man who want a war at all cost...





You said you read the article, yet you're still singing the same song. Tell you what: let's wait and see what some enterprising investigative reporters come up with and see how things come out in the rinse.

Dollars to donuts, all who decried this situation will have moved on and forgotten about this when its' all revealed, as usual.

All the best,

The internet is doing a great job of exposing people for what they are. Who knew the world was this f’d up?

Just be a force for good not evil. It’s not that hard. 

We all know what is good versus evil right? Telling the truth is good. Lying is evil. Spreading lies is among the worst things you can do. Also cheating and degrading or harming others. Not to mention an untamed ego. It’s not that complicated. Watch out for those guys! The truth comes out in the end. Time will tell. A starting point anyhow. Stick to fundamentals and it will all work out for the best in the end.  Best chance by far in any case.