AudioQuest Hurricane and PS Audio AC12

Hello, I have a Parasound A21 not the + and is driven by the PS Audio power cord. I am thinking of the AudioQuest Hurricane cable for the amplifier. Would that be a wise decision? I have the Blizzard on the preamp, and I like the sound, so I am asking. PS Audio power cord is good but thinking that AudioQuest will bring more detail and soundstage to the Amp. Thanks.


I didn't realize that PS Audio had power cords since they recommend Audioquest power cords on their website.

Yes. Audioquest will bring more than AC12 but you have to go to a higher tier. I doubt that Hurricane is better than AC12. It took Audioquest years to convince Paul that the Dragons are the way to go.

"AudioQuest will bring more detail and soundstage to the Amp". Keep drinking the Kool Aid!

Nice and refreshing. Brings an honest taste to the taste buds. Keep drinking the non-Kool aid. No one cares.