Looking for a change.

My current integrated amp is a 90 wpc Yamaha AS2100. I'm thinking about replacing it with a more powerful integrated, or keeping it as a pre and just adding an external amp. My speakers are Sonus Faber Cremona M with two KEF R400B subs. I have a Musical Fidelity Nu Vista Vinyl, so the phono stage is not an issue. The SF speakers are pretty efficient and good with this amp. Like everyone, I'm always wondering what could be. What am I missing with the Yamaha and what would I gain from making a change. I listen to vinyl on my VPI Prime with a Van den Hul MC DDT II Special. I stream with a Node running through the DAC of my Yamaha CD S2100. Is the Yamaha my weak link?



Your electronics are the weakest link in your audio chain.  Also. Have you addressed room treatment?

For specific component suggestions, your budget, what sound you’re dissatisfied with, what sound do you want more of, type of music listened to, and your preference for tubes vs SS

I've enjoyed reading your comments and perspectives. Some have asked about my equipment, if you read my original post it's all spelled out there. Some have suggested brands that I would consider a lateral move not a move up. As far as my cables and room, my interconnects are mostly Audio Quest, except the subs which are SVS cables. My budget is not a problem since anything I purchase I will probably get a good deal with my connections through dealer friends. My phono amp is a hybrid tube, I would consider a tube integrated and I do have a Prima Luna source. My musical tastes are anything from early jazz to classic rock and a lot in between. My room could use help, but since it's acually a part of my house, changes can be difficult. Dimesions are 17x15 with vauled ceilings as high as 16 ft. and open on 2 sides. It's carpeted and furnished but I assume the ceilings are an issue. Someone made a comment about power supply and that made me think. Should I consider a power conditioner and power cords before I make changes in my integrated amp? Do power conditioners really work and are they worth the money? Right now everything is just plugged into a power strip then into the wall.

I have no brand recommendations.  However, don't use your Yamaha as a pre-only, at least not for very long.  Integrated units are made to match the pre- and the power- stages...the pre-outs are just for convenience, or subwoofers, or whatever. 

If you want a step up get a better integrated or go fully separates...

I always recommend getting all your components worked out… compatible and synergistic… then work on interconnects and power cords. My objective is always the best possible sound for what I can afford at the time. So best possible components… figure out what it sounds like… then enhance with interconnects… power cords. Then enjoy the music for a few years. Repeat.

I agree with ghdprentice

My rationale is there's numerous interconnects and power cords (I have 3 power cords, 2 sets of interconnects) and they effectively erode the budget of truly upgrading source, amps or speakers.  

The difference in upgrading my preamp had greater impact than interconnects and power cables put together (and it should have given the cost)