Nordost Valhalla 2 Speaker Cables

A few years back I had tested a bunch of top speaker cables with my Gryphon Diablo 300 and B&W 803 D2’s (Top cables from Nordost, AudioQuest and Transparent, and due to cost, I didn’t purchase the winners (Valhalla 2’s) at the time.

Well, I finally took the plunge and paid extra to have them broken in using a Nordost machine. I had forgotten how stunning these are. These are exactly the sound I’m after. I’ve often been frustrated by HiFi systems not having that same crisp quickness of detail that a decent pair of headphones offer. These cables finally give me that. With loads of high frequency detail, but somehow, there is nothing fatiguing or bright about the excellent, sweet treble, with lots of bass warmth that is also lighting quick.

I’ve been considering a speaker upgrade lately and was thinking that I would like speakers with more detail, more precise imaging, faster response and better dynamics. Well, these cables do all that! I’m not one to get carried away but switching out my excellent Clarus Crimson biwires for these was like upgrading my speakers. I’ve half a mind not to bother looking for new speakers now!

Seems silly that cables can make you want to listen to music late into the night but that’s just what happened…. When people upgrade amps or speakers I often hear “I hear new details I’ve never heard in tracks I’ve been listening to for decades” and that also happened with the Valhalla 2’s.

I’m the first to be cautious of people going overboard using superlatives to describe their experience with new gear, but the only time I’ve ever fallen into that, aside from this example, is when I got my Gryphon. Three years later I’m every bit as enthused with my Gryphon. In fact it’s the only expensive thing I’ve bought that I ended up truly enjoying. 99% certain I will continue to feel this way about the Valhalla 2’s, as silly as that seems (it’s a cable!!!).

Stupidly expensive to an absurd degree for a cable, but worth every penny.

I guess my only cautions would be that for some, the rapid fire leading-edge detail may not be to everyone’s liking (I equate it to the fast crisp detail on a good set of headphones). Also, if you are trying to compensate for bright electronics maybe this level of detail would only make things worse? Not sure. In my system, I now have pinpoint imaging, loads of detail, very crisp timing, sweet and well controlled treble, lots of well controlled bass and warmth through all frequencies, lots of dynamic impact, and best of all, it just sounds right and allows you to really get into the music. Even if you play blaring hard rock with distorted guitars (usually a nemesis of hifi systems) it sounds fantastic.

I’m sure I’ve lost credibility for being so effusive; my only defense is that with all of my upgrades, I’ve only ever been this enthusiastic with my Gryphon integrated….

In HiFi people often gravitate towards getting ultimate transparency and detail, OR they gravitate to a more musically engaging but less authentic presentation. To me the Valhalla 2’s offer both the HiFi detail experience AND musical engagement.


The higher the cost of a component the more expectation bias takes over. That shiny new toy is always more attractive than the old battered one!

+1 mrskeptic! Price certainly does influence what one feels about a product. 

@nyev: I'm glad you like your Valhalla cables so much. Nordost cables are a polarising product - some people love them and others hate them.  As always, cables are very system dependent. In my experience, while the cables are not "bright" (my italics)  as such, they are lean sounding and do emphasise, as you put it, "rapid fire leading-edge detail" more than a broader harmonic architecture of the sound. They are not my cup of tea sonically but I appreciate what their distinctive appeal is.

Nordost is amazing. My experience has been with their interconnects. My Valhalla’s both analog and digital, are one of the most complex, and startling interconnects that I have ever hear in my system. My congratulations on your Odins! Truly amazing products!

Same old, same old…boring. If you’ve spent the money your going to find and love the difference period, who cares. Do you hear what I hear does not matter, and in most cases we don’t. I can’t take it anymore I’m buying a cable company, I want to be really really rich Lol.