Why those that measure only and place measurement above all else, either hate or do not understand. Literally do not understand. as in -incapable- of understanding. Permanent state of mind. From birth to death. I don’t like it at all (surely there must be some way?), but that is the way it is.
’fear of art’ might be a good descriptor. Fear of those who are beyond them. who see anything outside of some dogmatic rigor as a direct threat to their self and sense of the world. they don’t do theory, they don’t do exploration, they only ’do adventure’ by reading about ’new realities’. they can fill out fields doing all the gut and ditch digging work....yes...and do the equivalent of scientific crossword puzzles... but pure invention? Very much -NOT.
Understanding this might be a good idea. So one can step by such people, to circumvent their hairy and hoary perceptual bull in a china shop. As we move through the levels of intellect possible in such groups, as we spiral downward in those tiers or levels... we arrive, when we reach the bottom - at pure projected dogmatic safety of the self. the more imagination required... the less likely they’ll ever trust it, until it (the given imaginative thing) becomes a societal/cultural norm in their primary learning cycle as a child. Once the given prior imaginative thing has a formed rigid structure then they can navigate it. That big difference between spirituality and formalized rigid dogmatic religion. ’Free form(?) - nothing’, is their motto.
It does not mean they don’t live satisfying lives, but that they simply don’t understand,and cannot understand and never will understand imagination or creation.
If you find them here, on this forum (or any other forum), DO NOT ENGAGE WITH THEM. Other than ostracizing them entirely from your conversations. And, even in that they will still intrude and attempt to formalize the conversation around you being wrong as they don’t understand discovery or imagination, or pure scientific rigor in exploration. I mean this, literally. Literally.
There are degrees of agreeableness and understanding as we go through the various levels of intelligence and types but there is a facet or two of fundamental rigidity, in all of us, to some degree. You’ll now the difficult type when you encounter them on this forum. Their repeated lambasting and attacks will amply show their lack of imagination and inability to invent, in this world. It will be plain for all to see, in their projections in dogma in science.
You (if a creative type) are broken, you MUST be fixed, and you must not be allowed to continue as you represent a fundamental challenge to their mindset that they cannot wrap their minds around.
This set of paragraphs of mine, is not conjecture, it is not rabidly anti-human, it is not designed to cause grief it is meant to inform people of a fundamental in human psychological types. If you try to include them..and work with them, whole holding the reality you know to be more full and real, where all the work is done, the part that is inclusive of the unknowns... all you’ll do ...is get an act of a grinding down upon you that will be as relentless as their life force itself. You know what I’m talking about, you see it all day on on this forum.
Since audio is NOT a completely fleshed out dogmatic system where all is known in all it’s possibilities in connectivity...we, in audio, get into frictive and difficult states by allowing non-creative conservative types into our conversations in an attempt to help them understand the art of exploring in audio.
Again, they will NEVER understand... they are simply not wired for it.... and no amount of work in this area will improve this situation. How can they not see? we say to ourselves.. well..the reality is that we are not them and these two (fundamental mental types) cannot and will not ever meet.
for the longest time, ie the past 40 years of my life I’ve tired to do the opposite and thought the opposite, but no amount of work on a conservative mind type will ever take it there, as their life force and mental constitution will simply not allow for it.
Changing that which you hold dear as your breath itself, in yourself, regarding openness and creativity.... means you’ll die if you don’t create, if you don’t imagine, if you don’t ponder.
In their mind the near opposite is the life force, their force of being. The strength and intensity of your desire to help them understand... is only exceeded by their life force’s need and fundamental state or requiring that you be ground down,as you appear to be a fitful broken anomaly of zany craziness and infidelity to reality. A falsifier of reality, a broker of lies and fantastical imagination of things that are not real.
I know that I’ll have to fight myself when they trigger a jaw drop from me with their zany and utterly bizarre connection to measurement a the arbiter of truth... in a science who’s parameters are not fully known, as they think they know it all, already. Just one of their authoritative inanities that they project upon all others as laws that must be followed. All as they run around and kill the source of the ground they walk on. Insanity and blindness at it’s finest.