Is This the Essence of "The Audiophile Dilemma?

"But I still haven’t found what I’m looking for
But I still haven’t found what I’m looking for
But I still haven’t found what I’m looking for
But I still haven’t found what I’m looking for..."




At some point I realized that no matter how good my system gets it will never approximate the experience of sitting in a concert hall with a live orchestra.  And in the realm of pop there is rarely a master tape, due to all the processing in constructing songs and mixing.  Therefore since there is no way of getting “The Truth” I have to settle for an illusion of it.  Some times the flavors vary, but it is still an illusion.  This realization has made it very easy to be cured of Upgraditis 

I saved some quotes in a list at the top of my audio notes.

These are the first three.

Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for. - Epicurius

Since the beginning of high-end audio reproduction, there has been a notion promoted: It's going to sound like the real thing. That's a fantasy. It doesn't sound like the real thing, and it never can. … [the goal is] an acceptable sound, which provides the maximum amount of information contained in the software within the limitations of the listening environment. - Richard Sequerra

When I go to Verizon Hall in the Kimmel Center in Philadephia and sit in my favorite seat to listen to the Philadelphia Orchestra, I realize that 137 years after the original Edison phonograph audio technology still hasn’t quite caught up with unamplified live music in a good acoustic venue. To be sure, my state-of-the-art stereo system renders a startlingly faithful imitation of a grand piano, a string quartet, or a jazz trio, but a symphony orchestra or a large chorus? Close but no cigar. - Peter Aczel


No recording play back ressemble the real live event or reproduce it.... It is an ACOUSTIC translation in your room... Not a reproduction which is more an electronical expression than an acoustic expression...



It does not matter, if we suppose your gear choice is minimally right, what price tag you had paid for you is a secondary factor...




Matter first and last the way you will embed your gear mechanically, electrically and acoustically.... None of these three different controls methods will be able to replace the other one, nevermind their price...




If you are not in heaven with your system now it is probably not the system fault, if not wrongly chosen to begin with, but a non adressed problem in vibration control, or a too higher noise floor in the house uncontrolled, or an acoustic problems and lack of psycho-acoustic basic installation or all that at the same time...

High price tag+no embeddings method = probable unsatisfaction




My own system is 500 bucks vintage, beat all my 8 well modified headphones and make me laugh at any upgrade possible and i am afraid now at the idea of buying any upgrade because of the price/S.Q. ratio... There is a better system than mine read me right.... Half of the systems displayed here are better than mine .... But they are not well embedded...Then most people are frustrated, resigned or throw their money in upgrade...

There exist, accessible to most, basically good piece of gear well embedded in a minimal acoustic TRESHOLD of sound quality, after you reach it, you listen music smiling and forgetting any upgrade, even a good improving upgrade will not appeal so much, without frustration...


That is the truth i lived through and i learned with listenings experiments in the last 10 years, especially the last two years....Money dont deliver high quality sound, well embeddings controls will do...Spare you money, listen and think... If a non crafty man like me was able to do it you will do it,  at some extent, near this qualitative minimal threshold...



There is NO audiophile dilemma. there is only people who dont know that we all must learn to listen and we must learn how to hear...Price tag dont replace acoustic basic education and experiments...And it may cost peanuts in a dedicated room and nothing is more fun...But it takes much time...





As my dear departed dad used to say: "How come, no matter what you're looking for, you always find it in the last place you look?" I have lived by those words ever since and have yet to find anything prematurely.


As my dear departed dad used to say: "How come, no matter what you're looking for, you always find it in the last place you look?" I have lived by those words ever since and have yet to find anything prematurely.


Your post reminded me of my recent experience with the iFi Zen Air Bluetooth DAC.

It might not be the very last word in fidelity but it did leave me wondering whether I actually needed a CD player.

The sheer convenience and comfort of being able to play anything off my phone without even bothering to get up is very addictive.

No more pulling out a CD to just play the odd track, no mess, no clutter.

Have I finally found what I was always looking for?  In a most unexpected place?