How Much Do Your Subwoofer(s) Cost Relative to Speakers

For people who own subwoofers in the main system, I am interested to know the price ratio of the subwoofer to speakers in your system. Prices in MSRP.

Say if the subwoofer(s) cost $10,000 and speakers cost $10,000, the ratio would be 1 : 1.

If the subs cost $5,000 and speakers cost $10,000, the ratio would be 1 : 2.

If the subs cost $3,333 and speakers cost $10,000, the ratio would be 1 : 3.

Mine is at about 1 : 3.5




@ryder I have two Rythmik F12 Direct Servo subwoofers (Signature Edition) which I think are much better value than REL subs. They're $1260 each and are amazing. I got a REL 328-R used for about $900. I use all three. The ratio of these subs together is about 1:1 with my speakers. I could probably do without the REL, but the multi-sub approach works well in my room. At some point, I will get better speakers and the ratio will change, but the subs are here to stay. 

In other words, the ratio of sub cost to speaker cost is hard to judge unless one controls for value (value is the ratio of sound quality to cost). In my estimating, having three REL subs would be way too expensive, ratio-wise, for the speakers I have.

You could look at the speaker and subs single price. Say subs and speakers are $15,000 how does that hold up against $15,000 speakers? I would guess pretty well and probably better. Most speakers with good deep bass these days are pricy. 

About 1:1 at around $11K/pair each, which includes the price of their dedicated Sound Anchor stands.

I would rather know how well yours got set up.  Did you drop it in and forget about it?  Did you put in bass traps, does it come with EQ or did you use an external unit?


Also, if anyone is interested: