Let’s share funny-stupid things we’ve done

Let’s share funny-stupid things we’ve done.

I took the time to clean 8 Henry Mancini albums, so I could digitize my favorite cuts.
I sent the signal to a CD burner. All was going well, though I had my volume down so I could preview the following albums. Eventually I’d gone through the remaining albums, so I turned the volume back up. Hmmm, that bongo player sure is good, and damn, what fast hands!.  I don’t remember ‘Baby Elephant Walk’ being so fast paced..oh well, just getting old I guess.

On cut 24 I accidentally hit the head shell with my elbow, which made me look down and notice…I’d spent the last 2 hours recording everything at 45rpm. What a doofus. Surprise, some of the cuts sound better that way!


@tksteingraber - you mean you're not supposed to do that?? I better replace my quarter with a nickel. 

Walked into a Lafayette Electronics Store and bought my first system.

Made it through University got a real job and spent my money on gear, and women.

Many years ago, I built a set of corner horns. Then I sold them to a dentist. His son recently told me that when dad was out, he and his brother (speakers weighed 185 pounds each) moved them out to the porch, and yes, played frisbee. Must be a thing.

Does cleaning hot solder off a chisel tip, with a brass brush while not wearing pants count?

I’m asking for a friend.



OK, I think you will get a kick out of this. A few months ago I purchased a Schiit Lokius EQ to just add a boost to the treble when I am watching TV as I like running the cable box audio through my preamp/stereo.

Simple enough to do, even in a semi-dark room. No need to read the instructions.

For two weeks I was tickled as can be at how adding the EQ treble made the TV dialogue perfect and a lot easier to understand.

Only then when I took a closer look at the Lokius adjustment "symbols" on the unit and read the manual did I realize that I had inadvertently boosted the base and not adjusted the treble at all.

OOPS, confirmation bias at its finest..