What is new with the Memory Player?

I have read that this player is the next great source at the online mags. Have others heard this player and is it currently being sold? What are the impressions of those who have heard this machine? Any information would be nice since I have read almost nothing other than what is contained in the magazines. Bob

I heard it at the NYC Entertainment Show a month ago. I was so excited to hear it and figured it would be a revolutionary experience. It was not!

The player may not be the culprit but it did not produce the music even when compared to the Moscode room. I believe this was a missed opportunity to impress me and my friend who is an IT guy. He had some good observations when he looked at it so we have decided to wait for competition to catch up.

The bottom line here is that you still need to make sure of the other parts in the chain after it. It was set up with an all digital system including amplifier that looked futuristic.
La45, I think the Memory Player was also set up in another suite at the NYC Show, but I was not there. What you heard was what I have heard before at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest and at THE Show in Vegas. The Behold people use it as the transport for their all digital system. I have several times thought this system sounds pretty good, but never have I heard the MP in an application where I might be using it.

There are two major pitfalls in the MP in my opinion. One is its not being a complete computer. You have to use a specially programed computer to control it. Second, is the expense of the unit. You could certainly use a computer with a cd reader and store cpm on its hard drive. You would not have the flash memory playback capability and you would have to somehow get out of digital to your dac, using USB1.1 or 2 or Firewire, but there are dacs now that have such inputs.
Still waiting to receive mine.

As far as price is concerned, if it delivers the real goods as per the reviews, it will be worth every penny and more! I could care less about the cost of its parts, all that matters to me is the result. If it doesn't deliver, I won't hesitate in sending it back.

My system is now even more resolute by making my speakers active.