As many above reported, streaming sound quality is now on par with CD playback and CD rips. Instead of investing into a CD player, I would explore ways to improve your streaming experience (if you haven’t already done so). One of the ways to improve streaming sound is inserted a noise filter like ‘Network Acoustics ENO’ between U1 mini and your router. The ENO is offered with no questions asked 30 days return policy. There are other ‘cheap’ thrills to isolate noise but I found none to be as good and effective as ENO.
I have gone 100% streaming but still likes to selectively buy high quality CD’s. Instead of maintaining separate CD and streaming playbacks, I invested into a solution that allows me to rip, store and playback of my modest 400+ yet precious CD collection. All of the above tasks are painlessly accomplished by Aurender ACS100. Again, there are cheap alternatives to rip, store, stream your CD collection and cloud based streaming but none are as elegant and superlative as ACS100.