Ridiculous sale

Somebody is selling a Decware that sells at 2600 $ direct from the manufacturer for 4500 $ citing tha t you can pay that if you want to wait a year. This is a disgrace in Audiogon. Also TMR sales require you to go to their website and look for the product for information. Unfortunately the hobbiest mentality that predominated Audiogon Is being replaced by these dry, unfear actions and styles. What a shame.


If the OP thinks that this is a problem, he should realize that people are free to buy or not buy whatever they want at whatever price they are willing to pay.

If someone is stupid or rich enough to pay a 73% surcharge in order to skip the cue, then who is he hurting? 

End of story.

Guess the OP is still looking.


Main System

Want to get a better match for an mc transformer with my Lyra. I currently use a Cotter Mk2L. Or a very good phono preamplifier, my system plays small jazz bands ok but some othr music not so good

"Somebody is selling a Decware that sells at 2600 $ direct from the manufacturer for 4500 $ "


what a scumbag

there someone on the auction site seling a used ava ultravalve for $3k ($900-1200 used in tip top shape, $1999 new) claimin "collectors price."