HEAVY Platters. Metal or Plastic? Your personal Experiences

I'm looking for a friend, new and used. Aside from everything else:

Various platters, heavier, a bit heavier, a bit thicker, all plastic, metal, plastic/metal sandwich.

Please share your personal experiences, or familiarity with a close friend's TT.

thanks, as always!!



thanks everyone,

I always learn something, often many things when asking advice here.

I was not thinking about altering, rather the new offerings these days, and the marketing implications of thick, thicker, thickest ... plinth layer, layers, wedding cake.

and any preferences i.e. plastic or metal, or the Innovation metal/plastic sandwich.

btw, they are simply stacked, metal and plastic are not adhered to each other, which surprised me, but practically ... they are using their standard 70mm platter, and adding 15mm stainless steel below, and jacking up the support posts by 15mm.

Fortunately for myself, I have owned and do own TT's without any concerns for their Bearing, these mainly being Idler Drive.

The Vintage Japanese TT's took my interest by complete surprise, and I have not looked back.

The SP10 MkII was the first to get the complete overhaul by a friend who specialises with these, I know a substantial outlay is required to find a TT that betters the work that is done as part of the full overhaul on the SP10's Electronics and Mechanics.

It really is each to their own on such matters, I took to the concept many many years past, and have stayed close to the work being done by others.

The idea of 'off the shelf' seems like a compromise, being reliant on another's limited knowledge or Budget Constraints. There are those who do promote products with methods that appeal, but these also come on a TT with a very large purchase figure attached. I am without any doubt, that I am more than capable of having a equivalent or better produced at a much more affordable cost, most importantly, produced by individuals that are trusted as friends and for their skill sets.

It was the work done by Martin Bastin in the Late 1990's on a Garrard 401 that  introduced me to the real time benefits of having a little extra thought put into a Bearing Design.

When I parted with the 401 and brought in a PTP Solid 9, I had a Brand New Bearing Design used on this TT, that was a modern design concept when compared to the original. I am sure there are original Bearings in use today using the same design ideas, and are much the better in their function for it.

I am sort of a loner, with my attitude to a Turntables Bearing Design and thoughts on how to improve on very obvious Deficiencies. It is a road less travelled.

I have learnt more on this subject over time, through experiencing the work of the few that I know personally that do care for this area and are active in carrying out modifications.

When a Stylus is encountering a Bearing Design in use on a TT, that is specifically thought out for working for the benefit of the Stylus Interface with the LP, and not just as the usual passive ancillary to aid a rotation during the TT's operation.

There is a notable difference perceived, one that is not easy to describe, as the effect is not commonly encountered, which makes it difficult to select a description, the impression made is almost like a good effect emotion, the impact is felt and the attraction felt is indelible.

I have experienced this first hand on Idler Drives across the past few years, and the SP10 was even more impressive. I own but do not consider the Idler Drive the go to TT any more. 

Hence, the interest in Vintage Japanese and the collection of Japanese Vintage DD TT's that are to undergo a rethink for the assemblies in the Bearing Housings.

The last modern design TT, I have seen that has a bearing design that had got me wanting to receive a demonstration of it, has been a Kuzma Model, it has materials in use I am interested in, and has a variation in the method of assembly, which I have been intrigued by, but this would be a Belt Drive, and I really do not see myself going back to this as a Drive design.   



Honestly… if I complete the upgrades on my system, I actually did think a Sota Cosmos would be my next purchase. This would be purely for fun, since my digital end and analog end sound the same. But, it was one of the tables with real mystique from when I was young… it would be a hoot to own one. Also, at last I have two inputs into my phono stage.

VPI has offered platters made of aluminum, aluminum damped with lead, lead-damped aluminum with a top layer of Delrin (yes Delrin, not Acrylic ;-), stainless steel with a top layer of Delrin, a 3-layer Delrin/stainless steel/Delrin sandwich, and finally solid Acrylic. Each platter has it's fans, with the stainless steel/Delrin version a particular favorite. I myself favour Delrin for the LP/platter interface. 

@ghdprentice, If I were a betting man I would say after using a table with vacuum clamping, insane speed stability and a very stable suspension,  the Linn will be on the chopping block.