Another shout-out for experimentation with inexpensive Vibrapods and Vibracones under gear. "CAUTION"...they leave marks. A playing-card layer works. Do indeed pay strict attention to the weight load placed upon each individually numbered pod...their website is specific. Also, give attention to added power cord and ic weight when using them with electronics.
Many years ago, for fun, I placed the appropriate pods beneath my 45lb Chapman T-4 sealed loudspeaker monitors, atop the stands. The accepted thinking of the day was mass loading loudspeakers, to prevent any cone movement except what was intended. By design, the pods create isolation in all directions. The results were readily apparent and positive. I have successfully used IsoAcoustics ISO-L8R200 Monitor Isolation Stands (7.8” x 10”) under my monitors now for several years. The build, tho extremely inexpensive...quite simply, works. I've since moved on to more sophisticated isolation for my electronics, but the pods are a great learning tool.
More Peace, Pin