Qobuz Skipping or Short Pauses

We have a Bluesound using BluOS. Signal path is AVM 90 to Bluesound to Denafrips Venus using coax. Qobuz skips or short pauses in all masters. Very annoying. Any ideas to correct this problems  wi fi is solid to about 250 mgbs.




I don't know if this relates to your problem, but I've found that Qobuz always inserts an approximately 2 second pause between cuts. This can be annoying with classical music as movements of symphonies, etc. often follow each other without a break. Idagio, my other classical provider, meantime, always honors the composer's interests when it comes to this. In other words, maybe you should blame The Q, not your hardware. BTW, I noticed this via both my previous streamer-DAC, a Mytek, and my current streamer-DAC, a Cambridge.


... I’ve found that Qobuz always inserts an approximately 2 second pause between cuts.

Hmmm, that sounds like a hardware or setup problem. I have no problem getting gapless playback with Qobuz.

Bluesound is known to display a good WiFi signal and then puke.

There is no excuse for running WiFi into a streamer.

In addition to checking your internet/WiFi speed, Qobuz forwarded this tip if experiencing the same problems you’re experiencing...

Does your music sometimes get stuck, then skip to the next track? The likely cause is a cache issue. The Qobuz app stores songs in its internal cache when you stream them. Occasionally, cached tracks don’t clear out automatically. Here’s a video walkthrough on how to clear the cache.

Hope this helps, and best of luck getting this fixed.