gryphon amps

are these amps good or great?


Dutch, Danish, not American for sure.

Wooden shoes or hats with horns, who cares.

According to Dunn & Bradstreet, Gryphon is a Danish Company.

They are definitely out of my price range, so I will reserve judgement as to where the stand in the hierarchy of audio manufacturers.



I was about to pull the trigger on a McIntosh MA352 and my dealer pulled out the Gryphon Diablo 120 and we compared them….




The McIntosh sounded muddy and thin compared to the Gryphon. I cancelled the McIntosh and bought the gryphon. I since upgraded to the Diablo 300. I have Sonus Faber Serafino speakers. 

please note that I’ve since swapped the Diablo 300 for an ARC 160s and REF 6SE.


gryphon amps are made by hand in Denmark and are pretty gorgeous sounding. I loved it…!