Qobuz Skipping or Short Pauses

We have a Bluesound using BluOS. Signal path is AVM 90 to Bluesound to Denafrips Venus using coax. Qobuz skips or short pauses in all masters. Very annoying. Any ideas to correct this problems  wi fi is solid to about 250 mgbs.




soix - I followed the instructions. Did it work? I guess I’ll find out when I get a chance to cruise the Q again, as there was no indication given whether or not the cache was cleared. I’m also pretty attached to my Favorite Albums button. I don’t want to see them go.

I used to get lots of issues with qobuz which pretty much went away when I switched to ftp broadband. I hard wire to my router. My bandwidth went from 30mbps  to 480.

I always found that resetting my router before a listening session really helped with dropouts and pauses.

I'm using bubble upnp for streaming qobuz. 


I run wifi to my Auralic streamer, they’re built to use wifi and I’ve never had an issue in months of constant use. Any review of the product talks about the wifi performance matching the wired performance, it would seem there are reasons to use wifi for a streamer sometimes.

BFD This thread is about Bluesound.

Name one brainiac.


@fuzztone your comment was, ‘there is no excuse running wifi into a streamer’, that comment seemed general, hence my general response. No idea what your reply is about given the above.