My last Integrated Amp: $5-10,000?

I would like to hear recommendations regarding integrated amplifiers costing between $5-10,000. This will be my last amplifier for quite a while. I prefer to buy used when I can but also prefer no older that 2-3 years.  My speakers are likely to change every couple of years and I may keep more than one pair.

I like a detailed and transparent sound with air and the ability to easily to pick out the location of the instruments/singers.   I have liked the class A that I’ve heard and I’ve liked the tubes that I’ve heard but I don’t want to mess with tubes.  Also, I do not want a streaming device and I’d rather not have a built in DAC but I can live with it. 

My music preferences are vocals and 70-90s rock. 
So far I have identified the following possibilities that are available.
Mark Levinson: No 585 at $8400 and ML-5805 at $6550.  The latter is a new model and I have read that there have been teething problems. I don’t know if ML have corrected this situation. 
Luxman L-590AXII $7250  has a good reputation and longevity but is relatively low powered.

McIntosh MA5300, Coda CISB, and Gryphon Diablo 120 are also possibilities if available.


I have replaced my Naim Audio multiboxes (282+250.2) with the Luxman AX 590 II, and I am very happy with it. (driving Triangle Magellan Quatuor).

Belles "Aria Signature". I also have a Bel Canto C6i  in one room of my home but the latest purchase was the Aria Signature. I have been purchasing components from Dave Belles since 1984 being a very good value for my needs.

@kingsleuy , couldn't agree more.  Who hasn't bought x amount of amps? Nonetheless, has a main rig and a second rig or third system to listen to.  There is casual listening, and then sometimes high quality listening.  There's time I come after work and just want to listen to my radio station leaving my emotiva setup (pt100/A300) for 6+ hours.  It wouldn't make sense to turn on my Luxman.  cheers :)  

hmmm... well, the Marantz Ruby KI integrated can be had for $3k right now on Music Direct website... stellar reviews all around.  A valedictory "pet project" of Ken Ishitawa (KI) And, let me point out one advantage of a "big' company like Marantz: because of economies of scale, they can procure the parts more inexpensively than smaller manufacturers (or make them themselves as they do w some parts)... so while the Ruby msrp is 4k, some estimates suggest that equivalent build, parts, etc. from a smaller company would push it perhaps twice that, so it's in your "range" from that perspective.