Homage to those who are pleased with your audio rig


I am now pleased with my two audio systems. I am enjoying the music. Both are, by most measures, humble audio rigs but.... I am enjoying the music.

It’s all tubes and digital in one system and SS and digital in the other, have not gotten back into albums. Parasound Amp, Schiit Preamp, Schiit DAC, Sony CD player, Bluesound Node 2, Vandersteen speakers with Rythmik Subwoofer one rig, Line Magnetic integrated tube amp, Rega CD player, Schiit DAC, Bluesound Vault and Tekton Double Impack SE speakers in rig 2.

Please tell us all, how did you get there? Are you still working at it? Care to tell us what equipment your using? Simple rig? Are you enjoying the music?

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i agree that anything behind drywall wouldn’t work very well. Having a smallish room I did end up killing 2 birds with one stone. I had an acoustician design the room and I built it while the speakers were being built. I have no drywall inside the room which allowed for absorption to be built into the walls and ceiling. I do have double drywall on the outside with MLV between the layers. The ceiling joists have Rockwool in them. It turned out quite well sound proofing wise and sound quality wise. Happy listening 


Excellent, glad it's working for you. So is it like a cloth material instead of sheetrock? Like absorbers construction.

I frequently listen to music in the 60db range peaks at 70db and it is completely immersive. Sometimes I’ll listen in the 70’s with peaks around 85db.


There is rockwool in between all the studs. I have 1/4 inch pegboard screwed and glued right to the studs all sides. The two walls behind the speakers that is all there is with fabric over the pegboard. The 3 walls opposite the speakers there is a layer of 2 inch rigid fiberglass on top of the pegboard then fabric. The ceiling has 2 layers of pegboard and rigid fiberglass then fabric. It was quite the project. 

I saw the pics of your system, your description of the construction helps me better understand. It's like a high tech padded room :) Definitely unique.