Homage to those who are pleased with your audio rig


I am now pleased with my two audio systems. I am enjoying the music. Both are, by most measures, humble audio rigs but.... I am enjoying the music.

It’s all tubes and digital in one system and SS and digital in the other, have not gotten back into albums. Parasound Amp, Schiit Preamp, Schiit DAC, Sony CD player, Bluesound Node 2, Vandersteen speakers with Rythmik Subwoofer one rig, Line Magnetic integrated tube amp, Rega CD player, Schiit DAC, Bluesound Vault and Tekton Double Impack SE speakers in rig 2.

Please tell us all, how did you get there? Are you still working at it? Care to tell us what equipment your using? Simple rig? Are you enjoying the music?

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There is rockwool in between all the studs. I have 1/4 inch pegboard screwed and glued right to the studs all sides. The two walls behind the speakers that is all there is with fabric over the pegboard. The 3 walls opposite the speakers there is a layer of 2 inch rigid fiberglass on top of the pegboard then fabric. The ceiling has 2 layers of pegboard and rigid fiberglass then fabric. It was quite the project. 

I saw the pics of your system, your description of the construction helps me better understand. It's like a high tech padded room :) Definitely unique.

I never enjoyed really, and without back thoughts, my actual system by itself alone or any other of my past audio system, at all....

But I enjoy NOW music through sound, in  my House whith this  electrical lowered noise floor/ in an  acoustically controlled room/ with this mechanically relatively isolated and  well controlled vibrating system... 😁😊

Acoustical/electrical/mechanical embeddings controls are the keys....

500 bucks 8 years ago was enough to pass the minimal S.Q./price ratio threshold of minimal acoustic satisfaction...Who say better?

I dont give a dam for upgrade....I listen music in 3D living presence  i dont want  upgrade about more micro details...

My 8 headphones are in a closet because they dont rival my speakers/room...


Listening experiments are the key, and homemade devices with low cost products, not big money....

I must admit my dedicated room is nothing near "beautiful" though, but i dont give a dam at this peanuts price...

And the smile of my children and grand children, looking at my "mad" room with over one hundred diffusers and resonators among other devices , but also their astonishment listening the music is my precious reward...


I was really sweating the room early on before the speakers were broken in. It didn’t really sound that good. It’s amazing how much better the room sounds now with the speakers settled in. 

ronboco Are those Rockports? I heard those are amazing speakers. I can't really imagine those speakers to sound anything but stellar!