Volume Control Too Sensitive

My latest issue:

As some of you may be aware I have a Bryston BP-26 preamp connected to a pair of Classe CAM-200 monoblock amps.

My issue is that I have very little range on my volume knob. If looked at as a clockface, I can only go from 6 to 7 using XLR cables, and 6 to 8 using RCA cables.

Not only is this lack of range annoying using the remote control, but I question if the sound is compromised by the fact that I’m just using such a small portion of the volume knob.

Any thoughts on this?


Instead of using a band aid approach, why not replace either the amps or the preamp with something suitable to whatever is left?

15v of output on the Bryston (30 in balanced mode) and 29 db of gain in the Classe amps obviously is not a good match. You could probably get by with a passive or zero gain preamp that would make things sound much better.



If your mono blocks have gain adjust

ent you can dial that back to day 50% 

I had to do the same thing with Parasound A21+
Good luck Willy -T

I just looked at your amps, not drilling a hole and adding an alps volume control to those beauties.

I still would prefer to gain something while solving the issue, but it would have to be a separate box in front of the amps.

My McIntosh mc2250 had individual L/R volume controls; I added volume control within the case of my antique Fisher 80az mono blocks. Playing straight into those amps was always a treat. Just had VAS fix some Dynaco Mono blocks for my friend, plenty of room inside, adding volume control would have been a good idea now that you make me think of it.