trying to contact Albertsportis

Does anyone here know if AlbertSportis actually sells the speakers he has listed on the classified forum?  I have tried to contact him a number of times, in a number of different ways, but do not get a response.  I even made an offer on a pair of Sonus Faber but got not response.

I know this a strange first post, but any information would be appreciated.

Thanks very much.



I bought a sub from him many years ago, we had a great interaction and even added him to my contacts for future business.

Haven’t been able to reach him since. Doesn’t respond to calls, emails or his own ads. I’ve even made full price offers on items and he just let’s them expire. I was so frustrated the 2nd time that happened that I asked Gon to look into it. Never heard a peep.

I’m glad to hear that people have had some great experiences with him, I did once upon a time, now i just feel like the jilted ex.

I just ignore his ads in general now which is sad because i like to shop

I guess that he had a messy divorce with Audiogon some years ago. He was always the guy who photographed the audio shows for them, but then that stopped. I'm sure someone here knows the salacious details.

Albert Porter is a great guy and his departure from agon was a true loss.  But times were much different then…