Who performs Quality Amp repair service ?

Live in Pittsburgh PA and need to find someone who can repair a vintage Bedini amp. 1 channel stopped working. Willing to ship. Any recommendations? Anyone know if High end audio repair out of Brooklyn New York is reliable and any good? Thanks

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High End Audio repair in Brooklyn is excellent you can trust Ben to do good work and quickly.

Thanks! I did follow up with them via a phone call, however he said that he no longer works on Bedini amps. I did find a place that knows how to fix the amps under the name of TeslaGenex in Oregon. They are running about six months now for repairs. I found them from an older link for Bedini repairs. 

I would drive and pickup for an amp!


 Dealt with repair, and shipped speakers, always bad luck!


 Not looking forward to the drive to commiefornia when the McCormack monos need service,   Would rather do this then, receive a dropped/damaged amp, ups, fed ex, all of em, treat shipmens like garbage!


 Take the time, and drive. 
my 2 cents!


   The Odyssey monos, are only a few hours away to Indianapolis ,…..

the McCormack monos are a vacation to drop off, I feel better doing this that shipping. 

 I drove my sunfire 600 several hours to Rockford , Illinois for repair, previously shipped to Flannerys for a check and service, no issues, but, in the future I will drive.


   This is me,  when I can, I will drive the amp there. 

 I used Www.soundsclassic.com in Rockford IL. 

GReat work, service, prices fixing my sunfire were great, they told me what they did, parts used, totally up front on ALL!


 THEY ARE KNOWN FOR repairing old units, escorting, full feature, tc etc. , great place.

check out for sure.

my B and K pro10-mc and Onkyo P-308 will be going there for upgrade, re cap, cleansing,  etc, I called many shops, only this shop will work on the Onkyo P-308 ,…..all others said “too involved, …too much work,…can’t do it,…etc etc….”


   Great place, they totally did a grand job on my sunfire 600, with a loose transformer, screws were stripped and , they placed, new screws, grommets, rubber washers, and placed a 1/2 rubber mat between he cover and the transformer. 

check out, they are a mom and pop place with great workers.


    They will use the parts you suggest, and the work is great.

they upgrade components and will upgrade the unit to factory , new look.

 They have been used for movies, tv, etc, and do amazing work.

IF you cannot find someone closer,

according to google maps you are 5-1/2 hours away from VAS Audio in Cliffwood, NJ

drop it off, stay overnight at a Casino in Atlantic City, win enough to finance the repair!

Steve Leung and his son Ray are terrific people, very capable, repeated success for me and several people I know.

Audio Classics, Vestal, NY near McIntosh are terrific also, however they limit the brands they work on, check with Steve at VAS, he works on nearly everything.