DAC recommendation in 5 to 10K range

I recently get to the point that I want to try a new DAC in $5 to $10K range and would like to know if there are recommendations I should try and audition.


My current DAC is a Denafrips Terminator, to me, Terminator is an overall fun DAC that provide good clarity, energy, and scale. It has strong macrodynamic focus with good impact and punch, as well as solid resolving power and texture, but I feel drawback is lacking micro dynamic capability, tonality is not organic, neither is presentation, treble is not that refined, and can sometimes get too hot and gritty. What I hope in my next DAC is a balanced DAC that lean a bit more toward the relaxed and slightly sweeter smoother side of things, great organicness, great placement accuracy and depth in overall stage, great coherency and liquidity, as well as having great impact and punch.


The Brinkmann Nyquist, which I own, is the most musical I’ve heard.  It goes to my VTL 6.5 preamp vis XLR.  It does everything you want plus, it’s available new at about $12k.  If you PM me, I’ll give you the name of the dealer I bought from.




There's a ton on stuff on google.  I have found for me not to mess too much with th e results the software comes up with.  I do the measurements, set the parameters in REW, set the low and high freq rolloff.  Then export to rePhase.  In rePhase, I check the phase, which is usually fine if I don't mess around in REW and don't change the amplitudes in rePhase..  Then I create the filters.  Import to hqPlayer.  


I can understand wanting to go to a balanced output DAC,  but I have to ask what the DAC is plugged into?  Maybe your upgrade lies in the pre-amp? 



The output of the DAC goes into an Integrated amp, a Luxman L509X.



@izjjzi , Thank you for your detailed input.  I have direct experience with Holo DAC, but not the May, and I do plan to check it out.

@jgoldrick , Thank you for the two links and your simplified steps.  I didn't know about rePhase, with that, I think I am ready.  I placed the order for UMIK-1 and will see how things go when it is delivered.