Please remember to add that the Democratic party of the 1800s was constituted by Andrew Jackson's Nativist/populist coalition, and the GOP was a brand new party devoted to abolition, with its base in the industrial North. In today's world, the polical roles of the parties has flipped 180 degrees. The GOP turned into its current alignment when it sought to improve its electoral performance by capturing George Wallace's voters. The Democrats came to be what they are now after the Dixiecrats switched their alliegance to the newly re-positioned GOP. Under FDR and LBJ, Democrats championed of an activist Government promoting societal progress and strengthening the safety net. The GOP opposes this, and favors nothing but reducing taxation.
The issue of stare decisis today is fraught with political overtones. The SCOTUS with its new Republican appointed majority can lay waste to many progressive achievemants of the past by applying their tortured "originalist" logic. Stare Decisis for Thee, Judicial Activism for Me.