Help…looking to buy turntable

Looking for a turntable ready to play. Suggestions? I don’t mind buying used. Budget is $1200


As good as the previous  posts are I must agree with @chayro on this if you are new to vinyl playback. Setup is essential and a dealer can help with that or at least check it out of the box. If you are familiar with setup, then everyone here has goven good advice.

I'll second and third the Music Hall mmf 5.3 tables as long as you don't think you will be buying a lot of the 45 RPM releases as it requires lifting off the platter and moving the belt. Not difficult but somewhat inconvienient. They also come fitted with a nice Ortofon cartridge. Roy Hall will in many cases respond personally to questions.

I had the original mmf 5 for about 15 years without a single issue. It was a great table.

The entry level Technics tables would be a good choice also.