Class D Integrated Amplifier Recommendations.

Just curious to peoples experiences with current batch of Class D Integrated Amps available today.

I have been unimpressed with the offerings from NAD and find the Technics model's  lack soul. 

Trying to stay under $5,000.00

Thank you for any insight, recommendations. 





Hey l just just recently heard great things about the Starke Sound AD4-320 class D amp

I went to their web page and for some reason l couldn't find that particular amp 

Have had the Cambridge Audio Evo 150 in house for a few months now.  Will do a review here very soon.  Bottom line:  thumbs up!

I got a used Devialet 220 Expert Pro for under 5,000 $.

This is an amazing amp . Fed with an Aurender and USB and using the SAM feature to extend low frequency response, it makes my Raidho X3 speakers sound so clean that you forget about them.

I'm no devotee of ASR, but anyone seriously considering Starke Sound should take a look over there.  Remember also that they really like a bunch of other class D amps.