New PrimaLuna versus used Audio Research preamp?

As posted previously, I'm shopping tube preamps.

Have an opportunity to buy a friend's ARC Reference 5SE, as he upgraded to a new 6SE.

Alternatively, a new PL EVO 300 or 400 is also on my radar, and even new would cost 20% to 30% less than the used 5SE.

Anyone here experience both units and brands?



I'm currently looking at an ARC Preamp, myself.  If you don't mind sharing, what is the price range for the 5SE you are looking at?  Thanks.

I have > 5K trouble free hours of blissful listening on my Ref 5se. Some PL experience but not ownership. In another thread, i am a self admitted fan boy cult member…ha. One could accurately say i fall into that camp with ARC preamps… but i have also had on long term loan a few other excellent preamps..notably Ayre R series, VTL, Lamm, ….

I think an inside track on a well cared for known REF5se is worth something…

On the 5se, budget or plan for a 6550 in the power supply every 1k hours and 2-3x that for the 5 small signal tubes. Just FYI.

ARC REF5 SE is a no brainer, If you can source some genuine pre 1990 Reflector Corps 6h30- DR’s and GEC 6550A for the regulator you will take the units musical performance up another level.


I looked at your posted audio system and it is very nice. I am quite familiar with the ARC Reference 2 MK II and the Reference 5SE is a considerable improvement in my opinion. I have read very good comments/reviews in regard to the PL EVO 400 preamp (But I have not heard it). Given the components in your current system, the REF 5SE seems the better fit.
