Class D Integrated Amplifier Recommendations.

Just curious to peoples experiences with current batch of Class D Integrated Amps available today.

I have been unimpressed with the offerings from NAD and find the Technics model's  lack soul. 

Trying to stay under $5,000.00

Thank you for any insight, recommendations. 




Check out Hattor Audio integrated.

Very interesting. Made in Poland and owners rave about the Hattor line.

Choice of resistors, well within your budget with plenty of room to spare even if you choose top of the line. Wood on black my personal choice. Just beautiful.

Quite possibly my next purchase.

Of course being a domestic product- Pennsylvania I believe-the Rogue Pharaoh II would be a more sensible choice. Very well regarded, tons of power and uses two 12au7’s I believe. Quality phono section, headphone amp, remote...

Great. Now I want one of these.

The Technics SU G700 MkII integrated is ~ $3000 and has quite a few YOuTube and print reviews. It would be at the top of my list

I too, am using PS Audio M700 mono blocks on a pair of Magnepan 3.7i's.  More than enough power, sounded as good, if not better than the Bryston I was using before.  As someone mentioned earlier, the M1200's are a hybrid class D and have had rave reviews, as did the M700s.  If you don't like them, send them back per their policy.  You even get 14 days to return - if you find a used pair in The Music Room.