Dynaudio - Made in China vs Denmark


    I  recently Purchased a new pair of Dynaudios. The floor model I auditioned were 'Made in Denmark' but the pair which was shipped out by the dealer was 'Made in China'. They are still boxed. Whats should I do:

1. Swap with the showroom floor model (they were probably a yr or 2 old)

2. Unbox and use my 'Made in china' pair ?

My main concern here is the quality of the product from China. Resale values.

Anyone with experience please chime in. 



I would just note that China put a rover on Mars and the Moon on their first attempts. Chinese people are capable of manufacturing to whatever quality standards the manufacturer requires. The issue comes when manufacturers (American, European, or otherwise) ask their Chinese factory to reduce costs instead of maximizing quality. If you trust the company to maintain their standards, it shouldn't be an issue. If you think they're reducing quality to cut costs, act accordingly. 

You paid for one thing and got another.  Unless the dealer is willing to make a cash concession I’d return them.

If you bought a Rolex and saw "Made in China" on the back you would be unhappy.

So return the speakers using the reason you mentioned. If you don't you will never feel good about them. Once the shell is cracked ...

I am sure that most makers who moved to China are nervous as a pregnant nun.

Rightly so. Buy a pair from the SF dude for $3,500. All local. 

I’m constantly amazed by the frankly insane bias against MIC. Monitor Audio manufacture in China and produce superb speakers. Frankly I doubt you will find the made in Denmark speakers any better, probably worse! The iPhone in your pocket was made in China. If companies want to give their IP away to Chinese manufacturers that’s their decision, of course even if they don’t the Chinese will steal it if they can. There are huge issues with the Chinese politically and their world view which is abhorrent, and if you feel strongly that way then return the speakers, but it won’t be because of quality being a problem, but everything else.

Well noted @mashif; having spent a significant portion of my career on supply chain technology I would further note that no one culture or region has a monopoly on technology or quality. While TQM (total quality management) concepts have their origin in the US, the execution of quality has advanced globally. One reason that the best micro chips currently come from Taiwan (but that could change).

Having seen first hand high tech US/Swiss medical device manufacturing in Mexicali, Mexico, high end German automobile manufacturing in Eastern Europe, I would caution the factors that drive design, production and assembly are far more than just location or culture.

I still believe that the US can achieve the highest levels of design and build humanly possible. We build anything, but only if we desire or find the need to do so.

It simply feels good to say "Swiss made," "German engineering," "Made in the USA," but to imply a unique skill by culture or region is about a century or two behind current global reality.

Keep the Dyn’s; (I love my Contour’s) return them only if their sound doesn’t meet your expectations. Pour yourself some Jamaican Rum or Kentucky Bourbon and let your ears decide on the sound performance.