Maybe get them both and put the less liked one onto Disc cogs?
Wow, that didn't occur to me. Guess I'll do that - $26 + $30 ain't much nowadays. Thanks.
You didn’t say anything about your analog setup, does your system allows you to discern differences between 33 1/2 and 45 RPM vinyls?
It should be - still assembling. VPI Avenger>Etna/VDH Grand Cru/VHD Grail SB/Constellation Inspiration Pre+StereoAmp>Vimberg Mino D (just purchased AXPONA demo). Waiting for my 3 tonearms delivery (4point,Schroeder CB-L,Schlick) and about to purchase Siltech interconnects.
I usually assume that 2x45rpm is always superior to 1x33-1/3, but the single 1x45 had me perplexed.