Should Audiogon forum dealers be held to a different standard?

Usually, people take a measured approach in trusting salespersons because of conflict of interest - commission vs serving customer’s interests. It’s great when you find one you can trust on your behalf.

However, I noticed that sometimes when an audio dealer posts, they’re met with seemingly automatic skepticism beyond the usual - like they are automatically dishonest about helping audiophiles, they just want the sale. I do like them informing us they’re dealers in their posts which allow us to scrutinize their claims more closely.

Should Audiogon forum dealers be held to a different standard than other members?


FWIW, when I first got interested in high-end audio, I had a very bad experience at an audio store trying to push a sale of an inferior sounding system. So for years I avoided dealer opinions for lack of trust and did all my own research. Luckily, lately I found a knowledgeable audio dealer with whom I can trust - his knowledge was invaluable in my purchasing decisions.


The most important aspect of HEA you can gain from an honest dealer/salesman is component synergy. Will they suggest a better synergistic brand they don't carry? Probably not. This is when the buyer has to put some time and effort in, the dealer is not there to be your personal audio "Guru". Getting to the OP's question, NO because there are too many variables, you only know the posters "screen name" not the person.

I just posted this on another thread, but it fits this one pretty well:


Just keep in mind that the posters here who are not involved in the audio industry except as users of the products are even less objective than those who work in the industry. They have less experience with a variety of audio products, have a lower level of listening skills and their tastes in audio gear and music are all over the map and we have no idea where those tastes are on the map. There are exceptions, of course, and you can have a conversation that provides useful information about a product you’re interested in.

People write rave reviews here for gear that I have sold because I didn’t like it or just found something better. There are all kinds of people raving about gear that has to be the best because they own it. There are unofficial clubs, think Vandersteen or Magnepan, where the members think there is no question their brand is the best, and for those people that may be true, but not necessarily for everyone.

I don’t have a problem with posts by dealers in general or Dave Lalin in particular. If I go into a dealer’s store I expect him to try to sell me the gear he sells. I would fall over if he told me, You know, the guy across town sells what you need. It’s much better for you than the stuff we’re selling.

If I find that I don’t like the posts of a particular contributor, I don't read them and I take all posts with a large grain of salt.

As long as the dealer identifies himself as a dealer, I have no problem with them adding to the Forums.


Never trust a human who is trying to sell you something including audiogram Sellers. As a rule humans are way to ...slippery.  I have known some great dealers over the years. Experience is always the best teacher. He

Dealers should have two log-ins. One in the dealer's name and one in their own name. Separation of the business vs the person.