Subwoofer with Floorstanding Speakers?

Still enjoying my Sonus Faber Olympica Nova Vs in our den where I mostly listen to jazz. However…I had a nostalgic experience tonight and streamed up some Def Leppard and cranked it LOUD.  With this kind of rock, I am missing a little of the bass I remember from my school days. Got me thinking, how many of y’all are running a subwoofer in your stereo setup with floorstanding speakers?  What do you think?  Any issues with sound distortion?  


2 floorstanders 2 subs here. Can't do without the subs now, was a great investment. 

Rarely, if ever, is the location of the main speaker optimized for BOTH bass and mids and high frequencies. It's the reality of acoustics within a room. Furthermore, I have never heard of someone removing their subs IF they have been properly integrated and dialed in.  

Not only will your Def Leppard sound better but so will every other type of musical recording.


First step would be to upgrade power amp. Then the rest of the audio chain.

Adding subs is a complicated matter and a final step, if needed.

Added two Rythmik F12SE’s to my Revel Ultima 2, Studio 2’s. I’m 2 channel only. It definitely was worth it. It’s just a fuller sound, and I think one way of describing the improvement is that they hit low base with strength and tightness.

As you can see, the answer is...

Yes, no, maybe, kinda and no, it won't work.