How Do I Choose A Phono Preamp

I have a Technics 1200G turntable/ Hana ML, Audioquest Cinnamon interconnects and a McIntosh MA 12000 feeding Wilson Audio Sabrina X.

I figure that an integrated phono stage is pretty hard to execute and this would be better handled by an external phono preamp and best with a well isolated power supply.

How do I shop for a phono preamp?  I'm ok new, or used.  Any suggestions as to what specific amps to look at?


I had the Hana ML and now the Umami Red. I upgraded from an SPL Phonos to the Modwright PH9.0X and it is stunningly good as is but add some NOS tubes for a real treat.

I am surprised at different peoples criteria. Mine has been:


1: Sound Quality

2: Cost

So, for many many years I had wished my current Phono Stage had a second input. I owned ARC for decades from PH2, PH2SE, PH3… PH8… Ref 3. Finally Audio Research added a second input… the REF. I think I hooked up my old AR turntable for a couple days and unplugged it. Why did I want to plug in a second grossly inferior table? 

At least for me, it is about sound quality. That is it.

At least for me, it is about sound quality. That is it

Agreed, but with limited funds, how is this done?

The only way that I can see is to buy and sell, but I can't afford this approach.  So, looking at features, reviews and recommendations seems to be what is left.  Also, the MC stage of my integrated is good, so looking for a product worth the upgrade.

I am surprised at different peoples criteria. Mine has been:


1: Sound Quality

And how do you quantify that?
or is it subjective?

If it is subjective then it gets difficult to hear them all, or buy them all.
How do you propose that is accomplished?

Check out Zesto.   Their specialty is phono stages.   I have their preamp and it is such a great sounding component.  Customer service is about as good as it gets