Why do hipsters prefer analog?

Hipsters started with vinyl records, then cassettes, then 8-tracks, then R2R.  Where will they stop?


Hipsters do not do it because of the way it sounds.  They like the cool brand of athletic clothing,  they like vinyl or cassettes because retro is cool, they need to do cool stuff, so everyone can see how cool they are.  Cool!

What’s the matter with kids, today?
--Paul Lynde from Bye Bye Birdie

You guys are all becoming Paul Lynde.

All the best,

What a dumb thread, even by the almost unimaginably low standards of this forum.

I guess I’m an almost former Hipster. I mostly listen to CD or CD ripped to the Nas, but there are a few vinyl disks that get spun from time to time.

As the father of at least one hipster (he liives in Bushwick, so it's official!) and after spending time with his delightfully unexpected friends, I get the impression that the tactile experience has value for them. Many of my sons friends are musicians, and making music using a physical thing (guitar, piano, sackbutt, ondes Martinot...) is part of their lives and physical medium for reproducing music makes sense to them.

I love the ritual of playing records, everything about it. I have three turntables and they delight me. Thousands of records, thousand of CDs, streaming... it's all good. And I currently looking for a R2R! 

Because it's fun? Yes.

Though the resurgence of the cassette is a little baffling. I suppose it's like pet rocks. Does some of it come down to wearing vintage clothing and buying midcentury modern furniture? I don't know...

Something I've wondered about too.

Have fun! Now I'll think I'll slip in a Minidisc and listen to Hot Tuna. Or maybe an Elcaset...
