What is the best 2 channel listening chair?

I've been using a Ames lounge chair for years, it looks and feels good ...but it's a little low...l was ready for an upgrade. I was reading you should avoid chairs that are higher that the shoulder, but l will choose comfort first,nothing too bulky,no theater seats.I recently purchased a Human touch pc610 (optioned out).So far its been fantastic.Any input or ideas on this subject would be appreciated. 





Got my Stressless from Scandinavian designs. The headrest in the down position is at my shoulders so no interference. Great chair overall. 

A clapped out semi overstuffed recliner, complete with camouflage duct tape. (Camo because it disappears and doesn’t effect acoustics in any way). If I posted a picture, I’d have to add a viewer warning.
Very comfortable, it’s mine and no one else sits in it because it’s in the mancave/listening room/gun room/think tank.

Would I enjoy something like the Eames? Of course I would. But then I’d be taking money away from my next upgrade.

p.s. @vinnydabully I’m with you there brother, UGG slippers should be standard issue for all of us on AG.