I get the feeling this OP is a fly by but I’m bored & the GF is still at work..
Room size roughly 10’x12’x10’..First off ANY speaker,regardless of size will sound best pulled slightly out into the room to let imaging & staging develope.About 24"off back wall & 18" off side wall is usually a good start.
What kinds of music will be playing?Who is listening?Looking for background music or something you & wife can sit down & melt into?
What kind of electronics are driving the speakers?Is the room highly reflective(wallboard/wood & glass),heavily damped(Carpet,heavy curtains or canvass paintings & overstuffed furniture),or something in between?
ANY ROOM ECHO to kill?Walk around the room & clap your hands overhead,you will hear the slap echo if you have it.
Based on no other intell in OP I recommend:Harbeth Monitor 30.2/30.1 on 24" stands..