Analog vs. digital

I’ve found that on my system the digital side is more finely etched than the analog side. Both sound great in their own way, but records just don’t sound so finely defined.
What is your experience?


While I am now mostly digital these days, there are some vinyl albums that sound way better than their CD cousins and get played from time to time.  

I wish I understood why…

Given the fact we have had CDs since the 80’s and DACs exist along side analog ....we all have the best of both worlds. Life is grand. It’s like having a Ferrari and Lamborghini in your garage and asking which is best??? You can drive either one of them because they are both THERE.

Here is the kicker.

Can you get good sound from a budget analog system? yep

Can you get good sound from a budget digital system? yep

Can you get great sound from a high $$$ analog system? yep

Can you get great sound from a high $$$ digital system? yep

Can I buy both? Yes




And you can add a well sorted out digital streaming source to this list. Numerous ways are available to achieve excellent home audio sound quality. We as music lovers can choose which ever source approach we desire. And having one doesn’t negate the others at all.


Charles agree+++, just appreciate what’s out there.My friends loves streaming, they don’t have vynil, not spinning cd at all..But they are happy, only when they come to my place here my SA 10 And SME tt And Icon ps3 phono preamp, they said they are amaze, but they love the convenience of streaming.