Analog vs. digital

I’ve found that on my system the digital side is more finely etched than the analog side. Both sound great in their own way, but records just don’t sound so finely defined.
What is your experience?


Charles agree+++, just appreciate what’s out there.My friends loves streaming, they don’t have vynil, not spinning cd at all..But they are happy, only when they come to my place here my SA 10 And SME tt And Icon ps3 phono preamp, they said they are amaze, but they love the convenience of streaming.

@rvpiano System dependant? My analog end in one system is absolutely more finely etched than my digital. Decca cartridges and ESLs will do that!

As the new Phon is breaking in, the soundstaging  is sounding closer to that of the digital side, but also retaining its unique quality.

Weird to have this discussion in 2022. Should be obvious digital is a far superior formar. Should also be obvious that the final recorded product is far more important and why we often prefer the vinyl version. Then again what poorly setup vinyls systems are covering up other flaws :-)

Audiophiles can't handle the truth though, that's why most don't even try to get to the bottom of the issues they perceive they are having. Strange hobby. It's like running a 12 second quarter but telling yourself every day you ran a 10.5 :-)