w.r.t. "what you like", that is a matter of taste, not a matter of reproduction.
Reproduction is an ideal in electronic engineering...It does not exist in the same simplistic way in acoustic/psycho-acoustic...
In acoustic experience, the recording trade-off choices of the sound engineer are taken mathematically exactly like they are ( reproduced from analog to digital or the reverse thanks to Fourier) but TRANSLATED in the specific speakers/ specific room acoustic "lingo " for a specific pair of ears....
There is no reproduction at the end but an acoustic/psycho-acoustic translation....
It is in this possible personal translation where the human subjective interpretative factor reside in the recreation of his own experience...
What i like is now for the last 10 years in my case the results of my listening experiments...It is not ARBITRARY nor universal....
We must learn to listen, and it is not and never will be just a question about "accuracy"...Acoustic concepts are not reducible to electrical measures...Sorry...
Accuracy is a multidimensional concept in acoustic/psycho-acoustic... Not so much in electrical engineering...
Accuracy of timbre...Of dynamics... Of the ratio of LEV/ASW, accuracy of imaging.... Accuracy of what?