E-bay and its sellers

Well I bought some items from a seller on ebay two days ago, today I saw another item on the same ebay web-site....So I made a offer and got a responce from the seller , he told me to "FO" which I though was a little rude, so I told him that I didn't care for that answer , and I had already purchased two other items from him........I told him I really didn't like doing business with sellers like him , so he cancelled all my purchasses and told e-bay that I cancelled them, which is totally untrue......So be careful with some of the sellers on e-bay, because they are getting like Amazon sellers, a little touchy and a lot rude...............That's my e-bay stoty for today            


We don't have the whole story here. There use to be a program called "The rest of the Story"... that's what we need "The rest of the story".

@tcotruvo - there are some bad buyers and sellers on eBay? Who would have guessed? 😀

Also, some sellers may consider absurd low-ball offers as insults to their intelligence and will respond accordingly, and I totally understand that. 

Carpathian:  I really don't have to do anything on here, because you folks can do it all......And to address the other noble statement, I have worked on tube electronics for more years than most of you folks have lived........Why don't you guess where I've worked ??   Because you are extra good at guessing ??    Give that a try and Ill let you know if you are correct.....

I have worked on tube electronics for more years than most of you folks have lived.....

You sure do like to brag about things that have nothing to do with why you started this thread.

Anyway, since you’re going to pick on the slow kid, I’ll give it the old Community College try:

You worked at Tubes R Us? TubeMart? TubesTubesTubes? Goober’s Oil and Tube?

Rubic’s Tube? Tony Shatube? Tubey-doo? Icetubes? GreatsettaTubes?

Am I close? What did I win?

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