Appears that hanging around for 65 years still hasn’t dissuaded me from hunting unicorns.
Other than possibly age I don’t think that makes you any different from 95% of the people here.
Spoiled by rooms I had in past houses with no real constraints. And curse of being a (recovering) engineer over-analyzing everything.
As an engineer, maybe a more empirical approach will help with the overthinking part. Rather than focusing on which speakers sound best with which music, which sounds maddening to me, maybe focus on one or maybe two top speaker properties you really couldn’t live without and let that be your guide. For instance, I was seriously considering Maggies myself years ago for all the amazing things they do right, but what they couldn’t do as well was bring a heft, weight, oomph, etc. to the sound that dynamic cone speakers do quite well. By comparison the Maggies sounded a little more diffuse with less dynamic thrust into the room, and that’s when I realized I couldn’t live without having that more direct, dynamic impact and never regretted my decision. That’s just my experience however you might be able to translate it to your tastes/situation to maybe help quell your analytical brain a little and hopefully make this just a wee bit easier. FWIW…