DAC comparison

Hello all. I have a chance to grab an ARC Dac 8. I currently have a Schiit Yggy. Has anyone had the opportunity to hear both that could comment on these two dacs? Thanks in advance. 



I hope you are able to hear the ARC DAC 8 and judge for yourself within the context of your own audio system. This DAC had a very good word of mouth reputation. I think it’s worth looking into.



I have heard the Border Patrol DAC (BP) but in a full BP system with Volti speakers under show conditions. The overall sound quality was quite good but of course no way to isolate the BP DAC contribution. Some on this forum have praised the BP DAC and others have trashed it and called it over rated.  Just makes the point that no audio component goes unscathed. Thus home audition if feasible.

After bringing home a new DAC it further reinforces how important the DAC is as a source component. Especially if it is the hub of your system like mine is. I still listen to FM, but  the DAC is really where most of my media is connected to.

If you asked me last year if I would be spending $3200 on a DAC I would have thought you were crazy. It was money well spent .

There's a really interesting paper by AKM running around somewhere about using charged capacitors instead of resistors and the benefits.  I'm not able to remember the technical details, but the appearance of these DAC chips coincides with my experience of there being a whole new era of DAC's.  Aside from ring dacs (i.e. dCS)  I wouldn't touch a DAC more than 10 years old.