Analog vs. digital

I’ve found that on my system the digital side is more finely etched than the analog side. Both sound great in their own way, but records just don’t sound so finely defined.
What is your experience?

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People dont understand that engineering is not sound, acoustic/-psycho-acoustic has more impact than the choice of relatively good and equivalent piece of gear, and explain sound...Electronic engineering dont explain sound at all...Electronic engineering use discoveries in acoustic and neuro -acoustic...

Nevermind digital or analog, silence or music is neither digital nor analog, it is an acoustical/ neuro-acoustical fact...

People really believe that the sound comes from the gear alone because of marketing not from the acoustic settings of ROOM also and from their brain correlating each ear....

Pieces of gear matter, yes, way ,way less than your brain/room/speakers correlated dynamic...

Picking a dac or a turntable matter way less...Pick a good one for sure either a dac or a turntable....But nowadays dac are more pragmatic choice, and no more behind analog...



I don’t even understand what you are talking about. Digital can’t get a single note right, or even a silence.



I am afraid not.

If that’s your outcome with digital, then so be it. Yours is the antithesis of my experiences and listening to digital components and music reproduction. Fortunately for those who are dissatisfied with digital,  there remains a plethora of analogue options. Thus, we all can be musically happy.


I am afraid not.

The first home of ignorance is our "tastes" the last home of ignorance is our "habit"....

Exploring and listening experiments is the way...

Our taste dont matter so much, we must play with them and not dying with only them......

Analog or digital choices are only taste and habit, going out exploring with acoustic and psycho-acoustic, make them what really they are : only mere tools...

They  are one chosen taste only because of ignorance or because our limited experience most of the times...