Why Music Has Lost it’s Charms (Article)

I found this article while surfing the web tonight. If it’s already been posted I apologize.



I do not think the corporate aspect of music is that much different today. I just think that music is no longer a driving engine in culture. Which means less really talented people trying to make a career in music.


There is a way in which everything has sped up -- due to pressure for profit and the increasingly metrical way in which life is now timed to fit with an intricate webs of devices. There is an attention economy in place that was not there before. Things are different. Read this book to really understand why.

Everything feels rushed, including music, movies, meals, etc.

Thoreau complained about this and saw it as the zeitgeist (alas). Thoreau was right.

I find the rather myopic perspective quite comical:  the author acts as if music quality has only been dropping for the past generation due to some of his opinions of what good music is. . . why start in the 1960's; couldn't you say the same about music since the 1600's?  A longer perspective could rather argue that musical quality has been dropping for 300 years, and we have only been alive to see the past 50 years of deterioration.